Banned Deck: Stall or any alternate win conditions, Otk and Meta
King Vs TheGamer787
Hunder(CATS...WOHO!) Vs Evilswarms (BOOOO!)
Duel Result:-3/5
Deck Build: 8/10 ( Gozen match in main deck is pretty cool)
Side Deck: 7/10 ( Damned Light-Imp, but no other side decks cards to be seen to affect deck)
Gameplay & Concentration:
Use of cards: 3/5 (Some plays questionable, such as the Quickplay Infestation when you played Lance already.)
Siding skills: 3/5 ( see Side Deck comments)
Performance: 8/10 (Overall, great performance. Had a fun duel
Ruling Test: 3/10
Oh boy. I know you claim this is your first time facing Hunders. However, it is wise to always read card effects. I will give you half credit for the issue of 101 Shark's effect due to no OCG Rulings (On YGOPro, you do not get materials, so...). However, I cannot bypass the error of Gozen Match. As you know, the ruling where I cannot XYZ Summon a different Attribute then the monsters I have. Light does not make Water.....DAMMIT JESUS!)
Test result: 28/55
Horakhty White: 45-55
Obelisk Blue: 31-44
Ra Yellow: 15-30
Slifer Red Dorm: 0-15