If the testee uses any deck that is meta the test will be canceled and the testee will be placed in the lowest dorm. Banned decks FTK/OTK, Burn, Stall
The test will be a match duel with siding
Tester's Deck:
Testee's Deck:
Match Results: ?/10(testee gets 5 points for every game win)
Deck: ?/15 (amount of cards in deck, how they used it, cards used in their deck, was their deck consistent, etc.)
strategy: ?/15 (how they used their cards)
Control of Duel: ?/10 (could they keep you oppressed enough for most of the duel?)
Originality: ?/10 (was their deck common or was it their own idea don't be strict most deck ideas have already been made)
Rulings: ?/10 (were there any rulings that were mistaken or any ruling problems? the tester may give a short ruling test if needed)
Missplays: ?/15 (did they misplay? mess up moves? or mess up game state?)
Siding: ?/10 (did they side? were their choices affective? the tester may ask what cards were sided and if needed if the testee can explain the card sided in)
Atitude: ?/5 (was the testee respectful)
Total: ?/100
Slifer Red Dorm: 50 or lower
Ra Yellow Dorm: 51-75
Obelisk Blue Dorm: 76-90
Horakhty White Dorm: 91-100