Tester's Deck: Nimble Frogs
Testee's Deck: Elemental Guardian
Match Results: 0/10(testee gets 5 points for every game win)
Deck: 10/15 (amount of cards in deck, how they used it, cards used in their deck, was their deck consistent, etc.)
strategy: 10/15 (how they used their cards)
Control of Duel: 8/10 (could they keep you oppressed enough for most of the duel?)
Originality: 10/10 (was their deck common or was it their own idea don't be strict most deck ideas have already been made)
Rulings: 6/10 (were there any rulings that were mistaken or any ruling problems? the tester may give a short ruling test if needed)
Missplays: 8/15 (did they misplay? mess up moves? or mess up game state?)
Siding: 8/10 (did they side? were their choices affective? the tester may ask what cards were sided and if needed if the testee can explain the card sided in)
Atitude: 5/5 (was the testee respectful)
Total: 65/100
Slifer Red Dorm: 50 or lower
Ra Yellow Dorm: 51-75
Obelisk Blue Dorm: 76-90
Horakhty White Dorm: 91-100
I like the deck idea but the consistance needs a little work, when you banish e dragon you usually want to go for one of the other dragons like burner that way you can discard it and another dragon monster to SS blaster from deck give hand control, Ruling with 1 eff per a turn but you dont use the cards as much so i can blame you, Basically work on your ruling but your strategy and how you used your deck is really good