Banned Deck: Stall or any alternate win conditions, Otk and Meta
King vs DarkFlare
Ghostricks vs Blue-Eyes Disaster Dragons
Duel Result: 5/5
Deck Build: 7/10 (Be sure to cut the deck down to 40. Even so, good consistent plays.)
Side Deck: 4/10 Most of the cards in the side deck was not needed but had little good card choices for siding.
Gameplay & Concentration:
Use of cards: 3/5 Nice avoidances of Swords.
Siding skills: 0/5
Performance: 6/10 Decent. A little sluggish duel in responses.
Ruling Test: 5/10
Test result: 30/55
Horakhty White: 45-60
Obelisk Blue: 31-49
Ra Yellow: 15-35
Slifer Red Dorm: 0-20
Congrats on Ra dude. You are a good player. The deck is "fairly good". It needs some tweaks, considered you was having a rough time against a deck I made in 10 minutes and was testing out. With that in mind, just keep dueling.