tony_levi423 vs Sampeasman
Agents vs Butterspy Chaos/Xyz
Duel result: 2-0 by tony_levi423
score: -3
Deck: 13/20
deckbuild: 8/10
your deck is very chaosy. I like it. My favorite theme is chaos. Most of all, your cards work well together. I like that your deck has well balanced numbers and the xyz win condition seems as if though its very consistent.
side deck: 5/10
your deck didnt have a full 15 card side. i would strongly suggest doing so. side decks often help you prepare for the unprepared.
Gameplay and Concentration 13/20
Use of cards: 4 / 5
You started off banging. You xyz into a few monsters, you knew when and when not to do certain things. You played very well. You knew when to drop Gorz and when to play your traps.
Siding Skills: 3 / 5
You could use more options in the side. More options means more chances of stopping someone that is playing a deck that is totally a bad match up for you.
Performance: 6/10
I enjoyed playing you. You played well also, you could use a little more work. But hey, thats what the academy is for right? I look forward to playing you again for your next test when the time comes.
Rulings: 7/10
Total: 30/55
Congratulations Sampeasman, Welcome to the UNA you are now a part of Ra Yellow.
I look forward to seeing you progress in the future!