King Vs Chupakbraz
Sharks Vs Chaos Dragons
Duel Result: -3/5
Deck: Chaos Dragons
Deck Build: 5/10 (Simple deck. 10 spots creativity)
Side Deck: 5/10 ( I didn't feel any changes were made from side deck)
Gameplay & Concentration:
Use of cards: 4/5
Siding skills: 1/5
Performance: 6/10
Ruling Test: 5/10
Test result: 25/55
Horakhty White: 45-55
Obelisk Blue: 31-44
Ra Yellow: 15-30
Slifer Red Dorm: 0-15
Welcome to Ra Yellow Bud.
I had a wonderful duel. Hopefully next week, we can duel again. Nothing is really wrong with you're deck. If you add some more things to make it creative and if you win, you could earn Obelisk, even Horakthy. Good job.